Hotel Synthifornia: 1999, game level »Synworld« Public Netbase, Vienna/A

There she stood in the doorway:
I heard the mission bell.
And I was thinking to myself:
This could be Heaven and this could be Hell.
Relax! We are programmed to receive,
you can check out any time you like,
but you can never leave.

[The Eagles: Hotel California]

"Hotel Synthifornia ironically paraphrases the Eagles all-time-classic: 'Such a lovely place, such a lovely face... Relax!' Find yourself caught by the schizophrenic interpretation of a shoot-up game like Epic Games' Unreal. The semantic shift from shoot-up to chill-down confronts concepts of privacy and self-determination with the notorious public participation of the conventional deathmatch. Under these circumstances public space can prove to be lethal, and as a consequence 'Gemütlichkeit' might be a quality worth while being rediscovered collectively." [Micz Flor, Public Netbase]

Screenshots from our level: Hotel Synthifornia